[bgreco.net]: PS C:\> Get-Hertz
Have you ever wanted to be able get the frequency (in Hz) of notes from the command line?
I thought not. Nevertheless, I wrote a handy function that lets you do just that.
All I've used it so far is writing little songs that can be played using [console]::Beep()
Usage: The function takes a single parameter, string representing a note in scientific pitch notation.
Examples of valid inputs: C4
(middle C), A4
, D#3
, Gb4
function Get-Hertz([string] $Pitch) { $notes = 'Cb', 'C', 'C#|Db', 'D', 'D#|Eb', 'E|Fb', 'E#|F', 'F#|Gb', 'G', 'G#|Ab', 'A', 'A#|Bb', 'B', 'B#' $note, $octave = $pitch.Substring(0, $pitch.Length - 1), $pitch[-1] $note_offset = $notes.IndexOf(($notes | ? { "|$_|" -like "*|$note|*" })) - 10 $octave_offset = [int]::Parse($octave) - 4 $offset = 12 * $octave_offset + $note_offset 440 * [math]::Pow(2, 1/12 * $offset) }
Here's an example of the function being used to play the Star Wars theme from the console.
$starwars = ' G3,2 G3,2 G3,2 C4,12 G4,12 F4,2 E4,2 D4,2 C5,12 G4,6 F4,2 E4,2 D4,2 C5,12 G4,6 F4,2 E4,2 F4,2 D4,12 G3,2 G3,2 G3,2 C4,12 G4,12 F4,2 E4,2 D4,2 C5,12 G4,6 F4,2 E4,2 D4,2 C5,12 G4,6 F4,2 E4,2 F4,2 D4,12 G3,4 G3,2 A3,9 A3,3 F4,3 E4,3 D4,3 C4,3 C4,2 D4,2 E4,2 D4,4 A3,2 B3,6 G3,3 G3,3 A3,9 A3,3 F4,3 E4,3 D4,3 C4,3 G4,6 D4,12 G3,3 G3,3 A3,9 A3,3 F4,3 E4,3 D4,3 C4,3 C4,2 D4,2 E4,2 D4,4 A3,2 B3,6 G4,4 G4,2 C5,3 Bb4,3 Ab4,3 G4,3 F4,3 Eb4,3 D4,3 C4,3 G4,18' foreach($note in (-split $starwars)) { $pitch, $duration = $note -split ',' [console]::Beep((Get-Hertz $pitch), [int]::Parse($duration) * 80) }